Baroka FC coach Wedson Nyirenda.
Image: Lefty Shivambu / Gallo Images
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Baroka coach Wedson Nyirenda has downplayed the gravity of tomorrow's showdown against Orlando Pirates at Peter Mokaba Stadium (3.30pm).

While some tacticians place a high premium on winning against a side of Pirates' calibre, Nyirenda is of a different sentiment.

"This game is just as important as any other game for me. We need points. It doesn't matter if it's Pirates or whoever, all the games are equal because they all give you three points if you win," Nyirenda told Sowetan yesterday.

For a coach who has been rumoured to be living on borrowed time, you'd expect Nyirenda to be prepared to move mountains to beat the Buccaneers and silence his doubters, while also endearing himself to the Bakgaga hierarchy.

However, Nyirenda insists that a win or defeat tomorrow won't determine his fate.

The Zambian, who's also a pastor, has put everything regarding his future in God's hands.

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"I enjoy what I do, I take each game as it comes . I don't care whatever comes. Whatever happens, I don't care. I care about the present, what is here now.

"Yes, we need the points to move up on the log, but I really don't care about what comes next," said the Bakgaga coach.

"Win or lose I don't care because everything is taken care of by my God.

"We work hard as coaches, but sometimes we need God to help us and he never fails."

Baroka, alongside AmaZulu, have the least goals in the league, having each managed only seven in 13 outings.

Nyirenda admits bluntness in front of goal is the reason they are threatened by relegation.

"We've been playing very well but we fail to score from the chances we create, that's why we are there [12th on the table]. But we've been working very hard to correct that and I am hoping we get it right on Saturday [tomorrow]."

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