Johannesburg city council. File photo.
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The Johannesburg City council’s complaints about vandalism, cable theft and damage to property can also be heard from all other municipalities.

The main cause is load shedding, something that is man-made and beneficial to comrades as during this time criminals and vandals have ample time to do as they wish.

If the ruling party didn’t take the citizens for granted by lying to them, things would be different because the same people that are lied to, have most of the solutions for our dying country.

For example, if the same government was woke, it could have sensed the dangers that load shedding comes with from the start, including criminal activities, and approached private sector for help, for example security companies react to hijackings, etc.

Government could get mini solar panels and CCTV cameras mounted on mast lights (Apollos) and these could be monitored by same private security that will inform the police when crime is committed and also assist in apprehending suspects. One of the reasons this won’t happen is that most of the time comrades are complicit in crime and they “eat”.

M Machacha, Emalahleni

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