A Belgian woman's four-year 'affair' with a chimp has been stopped by zoo authorities. File photo.
Image: 123rf/ radub85
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A Belgian woman who claims she's just “having an affair” with a chimpanzee has reportedly been banned from visiting him and other chimps at a local zoo.

According to Newsweek, Adie Timmermans had been visiting Chita, a 38-year-old chimp, at Antwerp zoo each week — where the two would pass the time waving and blowing kisses at each other — for the past four years.

While the interactions seemed harmless on the surface, it was reported that the zoo had clamped down on them as they had a negative impact on the chimp's social interactions with his fellow primates and left him isolated outside visiting hours.

A disheartened Timmermans insisted that she “loved” Chita and he in turn loved her too and said that she and the chimp are just “having an affair”. 

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