Drug bust. File image
Image: Sandile Ndlovu
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Crystal meth valued at R236m was intercepted by customs officers at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg.

The SA Revenue Service said the pelleted cargo was destined for Australia.

“The consignment, which was declared as 'multipurpose anti-slip mat', was upon physical inspection, found to be have been used to conceal crystal meth weighing 785kg,” the agency said in a statement on Sunday.

The case was handed to the Hawks for further investigation.

Sars commissioner Edward Kieswetter commended customs officers for stopping the dispatch of the drugs.

“I want to send a clear warning to the criminal syndicates that are using our ports of entry/exit to commit this type of crime, that our officers are alert and working very hard to stamp out such criminality. The excellent co-operation with other law enforcement agencies at these ports is enabling all of us to deal a deadly blow to these illegal activities.”


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