Broos coaching Bafana from Belgium?

Safa says coach back home to sort out work permit

Sihle Ndebele Journalist
Bafana Bafana coach Hugo Broos during the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifier match between South Africa and Ghana at FNB Stadium.
Bafana Bafana coach Hugo Broos during the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifier match between South Africa and Ghana at FNB Stadium.
Image: Veli Nhlapo

Bafana Bafana coach Hugo Broos’ latest trip to his country of birth Belgium has set tongues wagging, with some accusing the 69-year-old of spending too much time abroad.

A day after Bafana’s famous 1-0 triumph over Ghana in the World Cup qualifiers at FNB Stadium last week, Broos left the country for Belgium. It’s the second time Broos visits his homeland while at the helm of Bafana, having gone there to get a Covid-19 vaccination shortly after being appointed in May.

Some have already started criticising Broos for his visits to Belgium. However, Safa, through its chief executive Tebogo Motlanthe, has maintained there’s nothing sinister with the Bafana coach’s recent trip to Belgium, revealing he’s there to sort out his work permit.

“The coach is in Belgium to sort out his work permit and there’s nothing untoward there. He’d applied for a temporary work permit and it has since expired…now he’s forced to apply for another one,’’ Motlanthe told Sowetan yesterday.

“Remember, the coach signed a five-year deal, so he must have right papers to be in the country for that duration. We’re in contact with him and home affairs. Everything should be finalised in a week or two. People should understand the laws of this country…you can’t stay without work permit while you’re here to work.”

Bafana’s next task is back-to-back World Cup qualifiers against Ethiopia on October 6 and four days later – away and home respectively. Broos’ charges top Group G with four points, having drawn against Zimbabwe and beaten Ghana in their two opening fixtures.

Broos suggested some of the players who featured against Zimbabwe and Ghana may not be called-up for the Ethiopia double-header, citing poor quality and bad attitude among other factors.

“I can tell you now that some guys will not be there anymore. For some it is because of quality, for some it is the attitude, for some it is what I saw in training because this is also very important. Therefore I will take the decision for the games against Ethiopia that some players will not be part of the squad anymore,’’ Broos explained.

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