Emanny 'The General' Kalombo wins WBF Intercontinental junior middleweight title

Emanny 'The General' Kalombo knocked out Nkululeko 'Bull Dog' Mhlongo to win the WBF Intercontinental Junior Middleweight title. Image: BRIAN WYSOKE
Emanny 'The General' Kalombo knocked out Nkululeko 'Bull Dog' Mhlongo to win the WBF Intercontinental Junior Middleweight title. Image: BRIAN WYSOKE

Eight fight novice Emanny "The General" Kalombo upset the bookies when the dark horse knocked hot favourite Nkululeko "Bulldgog" Mhlongo out cold in the fifth round to win the vacant WBF Intercontinental junior middleweight title in front of bemused fans at Edenvale Community Centre on Friday night.

A well timed overarm right to the jaw sent Mhlongo tumbling to the canvas where he was counted out by referee Eddy Marshall. Kalombo - the SA based 27 year old Congolese who is trained by Damien Durandt, the son of late successful trainer Nick "Mthakathi" Durandt - registered his ninth stoppage win.

His victory - which left the big crowd gazing in disbelief as the 34 year old battle marked veteran was assisted by his trainer Gert Strydom to get up long after the knockdown- earned the new champion R20 000 from promoter Andre Thysse whose Real Steel Promotion staged the eagerly awaited bout put on a bet of R50 000 for his inexperienced yet explosive charge to win.

Mhlongo's promoter Lebo Mahoko lost his R50 000 bet to Thysse. Mhlongo - the current SA junior middleweight champion - suffered his first short route loss, his sixth in total - against 16 wins. Mhlongo dropped Kalolmbo in the second round but Marshall ruled it a slip - much to the ire of Strydom.

The South African - a better boxer skilfully - looked to be winning the clean fought bout until the knockdown.

Actually Kalombo had only won  round three. But his power was evident from round three when he shook Mhlongo with combinations. Mhlongo's biggest Mistake was dropping his left hand to his knees after jabbing and Kalombo countered smartly with a well-executed overarm which ended what was developing into being an enthralling bout.

Earlier in the evening, Durandt's charge Jackson "M3" Chauke pulverised Sihle "The Sting" Jelwane into submission in  four rounds to win the vacant WBF International flyweight belt. That bout, like the Mhlongo-Kalombo matchup - was scheduled for 12 rounds.

Chauke first dropped Jelwane with a stiff jab to the body in the first round. Jelwane from the Free State regrouped and put up a good show until Chauke showed his superiority in class and power which forced Jelwane to turn his back in the fourth round.

Chauke - who was an outstanding amateur improved to 15 wins against a loss and a draw while Jelwane suffered his fourth loss against eights wins.

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