Manqele to add to Chippa's goal power

CHIPPA United boss Siviwe "Chippa" Mpengesi is set to add the Mamelodi Sundowns pair of striker Edward Manqele and the speedy Richard Henyekane to his growing list of Premier Soccer League big-names.

Mpengesi has already added 14 new players in the ambitious side ahead of the new campaign that kicks of next month.

Players include Thamsanqa Sangweni and Joseph Molangoane.

A highly-placed source at Sundowns confirmed yesterday that the Chilli Boyz were gunning for the services of the two players, who are likely to be a surplus to requirements at Chloorkop.

"We are talking, but nothing has been finalised," said the source, who did not want to be named.

Mpengesi, who has spent a lot of time in the transfer market shopping for talent, is expected to conclude the deal with the Brazilians before the end of the week.

"We have made Sundowns an offer for the services of the two players and are waiting for them to come back to us," said Mpengesi yesterday.

Manqele was on loan to Moroka Swallows last season, where he scored eight goals, while Henyekane, who was shipped out to Free State Stars on a similar deal, had seven goals to his credit.

Should this deal go through, United can boast that they have acquired enough ammunition to tackle the big PSL boys in the new season.

They want to prove that they are not going to make up the numbers this time around.

Mpengesi declined to disclose the total amount of money he has spent to purchase all his new signees.

"I can only say that I have spent a reasonable amount buying players. It's good to have your own players rather than players who are on loan," he said.

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