Motlanthe shows his soccer skills in Alex

WIZARDRY: Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe shows his opponent and spectators what he is capable of. Photo: Tsheko Kabasia
WIZARDRY: Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe shows his opponent and spectators what he is capable of. Photo: Tsheko Kabasia

HE might not have scored yesterday but Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe showed glimpses of his former self when he captained the ANC Centenary Aces against Reggio Emillia Legends in Alexandra, Johannesburg, yesterday.

Motlanthe played the beautiful game in Meadowlands, Soweto, as a youngster and on Robben Island as a political prisoner and his wizardry as a creative linkman duly earned him the sobriquet "Wizard".

The match yesterday pitted a number of ex-professional soccer stars, administrators and politicians such as Teenage Dladla, Maimane Phiri, Danny Jordaan, Paul Mashatile, Lebogang Maile and David Mathebula against each other. Italian legend and captain of the Reggio Emillia Legends Giuseppe Dossena was also part of the proceedings.

Dossena has visited the old Mandela family home and handed out a full kit of the Italian national team to winners of a youth tournament played in Meadowlands.

The trip by Dossena and the mayor of Reggio Emillia has been facilitated by Maurizio Mariano, chairman of the Italian section of the Hellenic, Italian and Portuguese Alliance.

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