READER LETTER | Start working for a progressive SA

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The country is in a sorry state.

The fact that we now have more than 621 political parties registered with the IEC is proof that most people don understand the enormous demands that governments around the world have to grapple with, hence every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to start their own party, promising voters to expect nothing else but an abundance of milk and honey if they are voted into government.

Many countries must be wondering what is wrong with South Africans. Our biggest problem is that we don't learn from the past or from countries that gained independence from colonialism ages ago.

The fundamental objective for all liberation movements was to achieve socioeconomic transformation, reversing injustices of the past. I can’t think of any African country that has successfully achieved the transformation project.

Complaints such as, “the economy is still in the hands of white people 30 years into democracy” are disingenuous: who must effect that change and how? Surely we don’t expect white people to just surrender everything, to make our dreams a reality. We have to stop dreaming and start working for a progressive country, united as one nation.

Cometh Dube-Makholwa, Midrand

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