READER LETTER | ANC fails promise to take nation to the promised land

The ANC flag. File photo.
The ANC flag. File photo.
Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba

During the memorial service of the longest-serving ex-deputy minister of foreign affairs, Aziz Pahad, former president Thabo Mbeki said the “ANC has not betrayed South Africans”.

However, it has failed to renew itself, he said. In 1994, the ANC promised voters free houses, jobs, economic growth and quality education. The governing party promised the same in subsequent years.

Cyril Ramaphosa’s party has failed to deliver on its promises. Load shedding has become part of our lives. Load shedding has caused job loses and economic stagnation.

SA has been experiencing this problem for over 10 years. In the past few years, the country has also been experiencing water shedding. Munsieville in Mogale City did not have water for two weeks. In some townships in the Vaal, water comes and goes.

SA is not living up to its potential. And there is nothing that suggests things will get better soon. While unemployment is high, the economy is down. Without economic development, the government cannot do many things. The governing party has failed to take the nation to the promised land.

Thabile Mange, Kagiso

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