Racist relic of the past

AFTER posing for a long time as a South African committed to fighting for civil rights in this country, Afrikaans musician Steve Hofmeyr has now exposed himself for what he really is - a racist who hates black people, with no respect for them.

Earlier this year, Hofmeyr denied being a racist, but went on to say that black people "have yet to admit to the fact that they have to give this continent anything that makes the world sit up".

He obviously failed to see the irony that, by trying to rewrite history and obliterate the contribution that Africans have made to civilisation, he was actually satisfying his inherent racist attitude towards black people.

Following the recent brutal murder of a Free State family, Hofmeyr has gone on his racist rant again - blaming blackpeople in general for this heinous deed.

Hofmeyr concedes that most black people that he knows are not violent. But, according to him, it is the general sense of entitlement among blacks that give "young people what they need to justify the brutality displayed in the killings".

This is an affront to black people, the majority of whom - as statistics have shown - continue to be victims of the brutality he describes. His utterances also undermine the spirit of the "Shout" campaign - of which he is a part.

The implication is that he sees the black musicians in the campaign as part of the problem.

This shows that Hofmyer is a relic of the past - who continues to harbour very racist feelings towards black people.

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