GOOD to start disciplinary action against Peter de Villiers

Former Springbok Rugby Coach, Peter de Villiers has been accused of sexual misconduct by a fellow member of GOOD party.
Former Springbok Rugby Coach, Peter de Villiers has been accused of sexual misconduct by a fellow member of GOOD party.
Image: Gallo Images/Rapport/Theo Jeptha

GOOD says a disciplinary hearing will take place on Thursday against Peter de Villiers after a complaint of sexual misconduct against him by a party member.

De Villiers, the former Springbok rugby coach, was suspended from party activities last month after the complaint. At the time, the party said its constitution was unambiguous on gender relations and gender-based violence. 

GOOD secretary-general Brett Herron said on Tuesday the nature of the allegations against De Villiers were sufficiently serious to demand his immediate suspension pending an internal investigation, followed, if warranted, by the convening of a formal disciplinary hearing. 

“The allegations and prima facie evidence against De Villiers do not create an assumption of guilt,” Herron said.

He said GOOD appointed an independent disciplinary hearing chair, advocate Lionel Esau, and an independent initiator to fulfil the prosecutorial function, advocate Peter Cyster. 

De Villiers will be represented by attorney David van der Merwe and advocate Mias Schreuder has been briefed to represent him at the hearing. 

De Villiers, who became a member of the Western Cape legislature in 2023, was served with a charge sheet on February 23. 

“The hearing is set down for two days. The party will communicate the finding of the hearing once it is delivered to us,” Herron said.


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