Eskom senior technician in court on fraud and corruption charges

Accused was a shareholder at a company conducting business with Eskom

A senior Eskom technician has appeared in court to face fraud and corruption charges. Stock photo.
A senior Eskom technician has appeared in court to face fraud and corruption charges. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF

A senior Eskom technician who is a shareholder in a company which allegedly did business with Eskom appeared in the Middelburg specialised commercial crimes court on Tuesday to face fraud, corruption and money-laundering charges. 

It is alleged that during August 2022, Nkhetheni Percy Ramaru, 51, misrepresented to Eskom that he was not conducting business with the power utility. 

A probe by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) revealed that he was a shareholder at a company called MXO Logistics CC, which was conducting business with Eskom. 

“This was discovered on the declaration forms and tender documents submitted by MXO Logistics CC to Eskom. As a result Eskom suffered an actual loss of R14,940,” Hawks spokesperson Capt Dineo Lucy Sekgotodi said. 

She said a case was referred to the Hawks’ Middelburg-based serious corruption Investigation for further investigation. The case was postponed to next Monday. 


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