Search continues for Richards Bay man who disappeared in surf two days ago

Suthentira Govender Senior reporter
The NSRI along with police search and rescue are continuing their search for a Richards Bay man who went missing at a local beach on Sunday. File photo.
The NSRI along with police search and rescue are continuing their search for a Richards Bay man who went missing at a local beach on Sunday. File photo.
Image: NSRI

It is unclear whether a young Richards Bay man missing since Sunday was swimming or taking part in a baptism at a local beach.

Mike Pattison, station commander of the National Sea Rescue Institute in Richards Bay, said a crew was deployed after they received a report of a drowning at Durnford Beach on Sunday morning.

Rescue swimmers joined police search and rescue members to look for the 26-year-old man.

“Despite an extensive sea and shoreline search, no signs of the man were found,” said Pattison.

The search is continuing.

“It remains unclear if the man was swimming with friends or taking part in a church baptism at the beach at the time.”


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