Taxi drivers block roads in Zeerust, North West

Taxi drivers have blockaded all entrance and exit roads in Zeerust.
Taxi drivers have blockaded all entrance and exit roads in Zeerust.
Image: Twitter: @TrafficRTMC

Taxi drivers in Zeerust have blocked all entrances and exits to the North West town. 

Police spokesperson Lt-Col Amanda Funani told TimesLIVE the taxi drivers intended to hand over a memorandum to the town's mayor. 

According to Funani, the drivers are disgruntled about numerous protests by community members in the area in recent weeks. 

“The taxi drivers say the protests affect their business, so they wanted to address the mayor and ask that a permanent solution be found to avoid any further protests,” she said. 

North West MEC for community safety and transport Sello Lehari is in the area to address the community. One of their grievances is that they have allegedly been without water for almost 15 years.

This is a developing story.


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