Social workers probe allegation of incest against KZN father

Suthentira Govender Senior reporter
The social development department in KwaZulu-Natal is investigating an allegation of incest against a 52-year-old father. Stock image
The social development department in KwaZulu-Natal is investigating an allegation of incest against a 52-year-old father. Stock image
Image: 123RF/eakmoto

A team of social workers has been deployed to a home in Bulwer, KwaZulu-Natal, to investigate an allegation of incest against a 52-year-old father.

Social development spokesperson Mhlaba Memela told TimesLIVE on Tuesday the team would be accompanied by police officers.

He said the department took the decision to send social workers to the home after a report was published in the Ilanga newspaper about the alleged nine-year incestuous relationship between the man and his biological daughter.

MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza said she was shocked and disgusted by the allegation.

“We want to appeal to the police to conduct a thorough investigation.”

The alleged incest started when the daughter was 12. She is now 21.

She went to live with her father and stepmother after her own mother passed away.

“Our team of social workers will have sessions with the girl and provide her with psychosocial support,” said the department.


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