Sentencing proceedings under way in Coligny murder case

Pieter Dooreward and Phillip Schutte.
Pieter Dooreward and Phillip Schutte.
Image: Tiro Ramatlhatse

A community leader in Coligny, Stanley Monyakana, on Monday said he knew that the small farming town was going to be a mess immediately when he saw white farmers with their bakkies and entering the town.

This was in April 2017 when residents were demanding that the people who  killed  16-year-old Matlhomola Mosweu must be arrested.

Monyakana was called to the stand on Monday after the state told the North West high court that it will be calling in three witnesses for the aggravation of sentences.

Two farm workers, Phillip Schutte and Pieter Doorewaard, were convicted  in October last year in connection with  Mosweu's murder. Mosweu was killed on April  2017 for allegedly stealing sunflower heads. “Residents were highly hurt by the incident, I never saw them that angry,” he said.

Monyakana said before the Mosweu incident, blacks and whites  tolerated one another but after the incident there was no harmonious relationship between them.

Court proceedings are continuing.

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