Classes to resume at TUT's Soshanguve campuses

Burnt items, scattered the rubbish bins on campus and broke gates were seen during a TUT students' protest.
Burnt items, scattered the rubbish bins on campus and broke gates were seen during a TUT students' protest.

Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Soshanguve campus students can return to class on Monday.

Classes at the two Pretoria North campuses have been  suspended for more than a month after they were engulfed by violent protests following the killing of student Katlego Monareng.

In a statement released on Friday, TUT said that academic activities would resume on Monday as they have now put security measures in place to counter the ongoing protests.

To ensure their safety, students are required to follow a strict security protocol that includes using designated entrances.

The varsity also said that the students will undergo a vetting process before being granted access.

“Only registered students will be allowed onto campus and they will have to show a valid South African identity document, student card and proof of registration for the 2018 academic year,” TUT spokesperson Willa de Ruyter said in a statement, adding that trespassers will be “apprehended and charged”.

TUT has also called on students to take up counselling that has been made available for those who might have been emotionally affected by the killing of their fellow student and the protests that followed.

Since the students missed more than a month of academic activities, the varsity has promised to arrange catch-up programmes and tests.

The year-end examinations for the two campuses will also be pushed back to allow students to catch up.

“More detailed information about examinations for Soshanguve students will be communicated with them upon their return.”

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