Pasma students arrive in song at memorial service of TUT student

A group of students sang their way into a Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) hall on Thursday‚ interrupting the memorial service of Katlego Andries Monareng‚ the TUT student who was shot dead last week.

The group‚ belonging to different student movements‚ walked into the hall as a silent devotion was about to be conducted.

They later proceeded to their seats and the programme resumed.

Before the start of the memorial service‚ members of student movements The Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania (Pasma)‚ the South African Students Congress (Sasco) and EFF Student Command sang and chanted freedom songs.

Monareng‚ from Limpopo‚ was an LLB student and member of Pasma.

He was allegedly shot dead by police following unrest which erupted after Student Representative Council (SRC) elections.

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