KZN ANCYL executive resigns after ‘racist k-word’ outburst

The ANCYL in ward 73 in Chatsworth has opened a case against its ward secretary‚ Suzanne Govender.
The ANCYL in ward 73 in Chatsworth has opened a case against its ward secretary‚ Suzanne Govender.

ANC Youth League eThekwini regional executive member Suzanne Govender has resigned after being accused of using the k-word against her comrade in a social media rant.

The ANCYL eThekwini region said in a statement late on Wednesday that it welcomed Govender’s resignation with immediate effect.

Govender’s resignation followed a case against her opened by the ANCYL in ward 73 in Chatsworth after her comments‚ which were allegedly made during a conversation between her and another comrade during a WhatsApp conversation‚ were posted on Facebook.

But Govender told the Daily News that she believed she was a victim of a smear campaign by someone intent on taking her position.

She didn't respond to queries from SowetanLIVE.

ANCYL eThekwini regional secretary Thinta Cibane welcomed Govender’s resignation.

“The ANC Youth League had been made aware of a racial incident involving Miss Govender in which she had used a derogatory term in reference to another comrade. Formal disciplinary proceedings had been initiated and to which she opted to resign. The ANC Youth League welcomes her resignation‚” he said.

He said the ANCYL‚ like its mother body the ANC‚ was a non racial organisation and racism had no space in the movement.

“We have written to the leadership of the ANC to institute formal disciplinary action in order to send a message that the movement will not tolerate any acts that seek to divide and cause tensions amongst our people‚” said Cibane.

ANCYL eThekwini spokesman Thulisa Ndlela told SowetanLIVE on Wednesday that the organisation viewed racism allegations against Govender in a very serious light as it had the potential to undermine social cohesion between the Indian and African communities.

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