Chikane regrets not completing City Power corruption probe

The now former chairperson of City Power Reverend Frank Chikane says that it was unfortunate that his administration left under a cloud before it could properly tackle corruption in the entity.

“We regret that we leave in the middle of an investigation. I wish that it was at the end because we would be able to deal with those issues but the new board will have to deal with [them]‚” said Chikane.

He was addressing delegates at the 2015/16 annual general meeting of the city’s entities at the Joburg Theatre on Thursday‚ the same day the board’s term officially comes to an end.

Chikane said he had prepared a handover report to the new board to ensure a smooth transition process.

The report would include the performance of the company over the last five years and efforts to turn it around in an efficient and effective manner.

“The Board was of the view that the City of Johannesburg deserves an efficiently managed transition to ensure that nothing falls [between] the cracks or impacts negatively on the services City Power offers to the citizens of this city‚” said Chikane.

Last month‚ Mayor Herman Mashaba instituted an independent forensic investigation into the entity’s tenders valued at billions of rands.

This was after information was handed to his office‚ including allegations that the Chikane’s wife was awarded a tender – purported to be a project of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.

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