Sassa CEO back at work and ready for action

SANGUINE: Sassa CEO Thokozani Magwaza hopes the Constitutional Court will extend CPS’s contract. Pic: Simphiwe Nkwali. © Sunday Times.
SANGUINE: Sassa CEO Thokozani Magwaza hopes the Constitutional Court will extend CPS’s contract. Pic: Simphiwe Nkwali. © Sunday Times.

Thokozani Magwaza‚ the CEO of the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa)‚ was back at work on Monday‚ following recent speculation about his future.

Reports have suggested that Magwaza has been suspended‚ rather than being on sick leave‚ which has been the official reason given for his absence from work.

 Sassa spokesperson Paseka Letsatsi on Monday confirmed to Times Media that Magwaza was at work and ready to resume the duties of CEO as normal.

 “Yes‚ he is at work‚” Letsatsi said. “He is ready to resume his duties as normal.”

Magwaza’s ill health was reportedly directly linked to the grants crisis.

 Letsatsi also confirmed that Sassa would by close of business today (4pm) file requested papers with the Constitutional Court.

 “You cannot defy the rule of law‚” he said.

 Last week Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng issued a list of questions asking Minister Bathabile Dlamini and the Department of Social Development to provide the court with full details of any new social grant payment contract with Cash Paymaster Services (CPS).

Dlamini has come under fire in recent weeks as the deadline for the payment service to be put in place‚ 1 April‚ looms.

 Among the questions Chief Justice Mogoeng wanted clarity on was when the department knew Sassa would not be able to take over the distribution of grants after the expiration of the CPS contract at the end of this month.

 The Constitutional Court declared the contract with CPS unlawful in 2014.


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