PAC meets IEC deadline for municipal elections

"IEC voting material found at a house of an ANC Party Agent in Tsakane, Ekurhuleni, Ward 77". Picture credit: New Political Forum 2.0 Khuluma Afrika on Facebook
"IEC voting material found at a house of an ANC Party Agent in Tsakane, Ekurhuleni, Ward 77". Picture credit: New Political Forum 2.0 Khuluma Afrika on Facebook

The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) survived exclusion from the 2016 Municipal Election by a thread on Thursday.

The party almost missed the 5pm deadline given to it by the Independent Electoral Commission as it tried to provide the material the IEC wanted‚ including that Luthando Mbinda was the party’s legitimate leader.

IEC spokesperson Kate Bapela told TMG Digital that the party made last-minute online applications on Thursday.

“I understand that they had all the required documentations ready and made online applications on Thursday evening‚” Bapela said.

 The Gauteng North High Court on Monday dismissed with costs former PAC leader Letlapa Mphahlele’s attempt to appeal an April court judgment which acknowledged Mbinda‚ the current PAC president‚ as the party’s official leader.




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