Ramokgopa: Tshwane ready for Parliament’s move from Cape Town

The Tshwane metro has identified land on which a new parliamentary precinct could be built.

Mayor Kgosientso Ramokgopa‚ in his State of the City Address on Thursday‚ said the land is the area of Fort Klapperkop‚ which borders on Groenkloof‚ and is in the vicinity of the University of South Africa campus and Freedom Park.

Ramokgopa said Tshwane is ready for the move of Parliament from Cape Town‚ which was suggested by President Jacob Zuma in State of the Nation Address in February.

The mayor said it is important to move Parliament to help build a united and inclusive nation with one vision.

Zuma had said the move would create huge savings as officials and cabinet ministers’ travel costs would be slashed as well as hotel costs for officials attending meetings in Parliament.

The debate over moving Parliament has been raised many times since the first democratic election in 1994.


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