Satellite images show mass graves in Burundi – Amnesty International

New evidence, including satellite imagery and video footage, indicate that Burundian authorities buried people killed by police in December in mass graves, Amnesty International said on Friday, adding this was done to prevent further investigation.

ANA attempted to contact the Burundi government for comment but has so far been unsuccessful.

“New satellite images, video footage and witness accounts provide strong evidence that the Burundian authorities allegedly buried people killed by police in December 2015 in mass graves,” Amnesty said in a report.

“Taken in conjunction with the removal of many of the bodies by security forces before they could be identified, the new evidence suggests a deliberate cover-up and attempt to prevent proper investigations into the events of 11 December,” the human rights group said.

According to Amnesty, Burundian security forces, primarily the police, killed dozens of people on December 11, 2015 after a pre-dawn rebel attack on three military installations in Bujumbura.

“Carrying out cordon and search operations in a number of so-called opposition neighbourhoods, including Nyakabiga, Musaga, Mutakura, Cibitoke, Jabe and Ngagara, the security forces entered houses forcefully, dragged men out of their homes, and shot some of them at close range.

“While some of those who were killed on 11 December may have participated in the attack on military installations or may have fought the security forces within residential neighbourhoods, many did not,” said the report.


– African News Agency (ANA)

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