Government's R309m golden handshake to dumped councillors

Councillors who fell out of favour in the municipal elections and those retiring will leave their jobs with R309-million in “golden handshakes”.

Die Burger reported on Thursday that outgoing councillors with five or more years’ service would receive three months’ salary.

Pro-rata payments would be made to those who served shorter stints in their positions.

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Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Des van Rooyen’s spokesman‚ Legadima Leso‚ confirmed the payments would amount to R309-million – far higher than earlier estimates of R100-million.

The South African Local Government Association said the payments would be made to ensure that the councillors‚ who found themselves out of a job‚ had a safety net to tide them over until their pensions were paid out.

Similar payments were available to councillors after the elections in 2011.




– TMG Digital






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