R400m prison services tender put on ice

The National Treasury has asked that a multi-million rand tender aimed at servicing South African prisons be placed on hold‚ citing irregularities in the appointment.

On Sunday Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Michael Masutha denied being told to cancel the tender by the Treasury‚ but said he was merely advised about the tender processes‚ and would allow the tender process to continue despite the Treasury’s request.

Integritron Integrated Solutions had applied for R400 million tender with the Department of Justice and Correctional Services.

 The Treasury conducted a review of the bid process and found that the company’s appointment was irregular.

Integritron Integrated Solutions is a part of SA Security Solutions and Technologies group of companies.

It was awarded numerous government contracts and is an ANC donor.

The company has since approached the courts in a bid to interdict the government from implementing the National Treasury’s recommendations.

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