Mom and 3 kids' throats slit

In yet another case of domestic violence, a young mother and her three children were brutally murdered allegedly by the woman's live-in lover.

Police yesterday said a 32-year-old woman and her three children were found in a house in Langaville Extension 5, Tsakane, Ekurhuleni.

A manhunt for the woman's lover has been launched after the bodies were discovered by neighbours in the RDP house which the couple rented yesterday.

The girl children were aged between one and 12. Neighbours told Sowetan the woman was being abused by her lover and that they had warned her that he would kill her one day.

"But she lived in hope that she would one day wake up and her lover would not be so abusive," said a neighbour, who asked not to be named out of fear for her life.

She said they got suspicious when they did not see the woman and her children on Tuesday.

"I thought the children were at school and that their mother was probably in the house. We got more worried when we did not see the mother and her children again yesterday [Wednesday].

"We notified our neighbourhood watch and they said they would come in the morning. They did and that is when the bodies were discovered. They were all lying on the bed with their throats slit. We suspect he killed them on Monday and has been sleeping in the house with the bodies," said the neighbour.

Police spokesman Captain Tsekiso Mofokeng said they received a call at about 8am. He said the deceased were foreign nationals.

"When we arrived at the house, we discovered that a family of four had been killed. Their throats were slit. We are looking for the husband or boyfriend or father of the children," Mofokeng said.

He pleaded with the community to help them trace the man.

Ekurhuleni Metro mayor Mondli Gungubele condemned the incident.

"This is a very barbaric incident and whoever is behind this must be arrested as soon as possible and locked away for a long time," said Gungubele.

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