We cannot be ridiculed by those boys - Zuma's son

President Jacob Zuma’s son, Edward, has described the disruption of the State of the Nation on Thursday night as disgusting, barbaric and unnecessary.

Speaking in his personal capacity, a livid Edward Zuma said those who disrupted his father's address were an embarrassment to the nation.

“I was very hurt by the lack of respect displayed by some members of Parliament tonight. Personally that was embarrassing, unbecoming, unnecessary and uncalled for."

The much anticipated State of the Nation Address was disrupted several times by members of the Economic Freedom Fighters and a surprise move by Congress of the People leader Mosiuoa Lekota who told Jacob Zuma that he was "no longer honourable."

Edward Zuma said the opposition tried by all means to disrupt the president.

“The Speaker was very patient with them until she handed the matter to [National Council of Provinces Thandi] Modise. They [the EFF] are a disgrace to the nation and we cannot be proud of their behaviour.”

He said the opposition would be given an opportunity to raise questions.

“Whether the president was right or wrong or they did not like what he said, there are procedures that need to be followed.

“As champions of rules and regulations, they should have led by example. If this is how they behave in front of potential voters they are leading people astray.”

He said those that disrupted the president were desperate for attention.

“The rules were laid down in the beginning of the session, this was just a publicity stunt. How do you engage with people who don’t even listen?”

When asked how his father may have felt during the disruptions Edward Zuma said: “I don’t really know what was going on inside his head but I can tell you that he was looking at them as children who were misbehaving and needed to be reprimanded.

“But because he is a president he cannot just react to their behaviour but I know he took it as a parent.”

Edward Zuma condemned the oppositions' behaviour.

“We may have differences with the president but they disrespected him and one of the most important days in our history. They are crazy.

“We cannot be ridiculed by those boys.”












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