ANCYL meeting turns violent

Three ANC Youth League members from Mhlontlo in the OR Tambo region are behind bars after they allegedly assaulted another member during a biannual general meeting (BAGM) on Sunday afternoon.

The alleged assault reportedly took place at Qanda village on the N2 between Qumbu and Tsolo‚ where the youth league’s Ward 8 branch was meant to elect new leadership and delegates to attend the league’s provincial general council.

What was meant to be a peaceful meeting turned violent and left branch deputy secretary Tyd Halam with a swollen face and stitches in his head.

Halam said the meeting was meant to be held on Saturday‚ but claimed it had to be postponed because members could not see eye to eye.

Another meeting was then scheduled for Sunday‚ but Halam alleged it did not meet the quorum required as only 26 of more than 100 members were in attendance.

He further alleged that branch secretary Siphenkosi Voko insisted that the meeting continue despite the absence of the deployee of the provincial executive committee (PEC).

“I told him [Voko] not to continue with the meeting because we needed the forms that were with the PEC deployee; he refused.”

Voko could not be reached for comment on Tuesday as his phone rang unanswered.

Halam alleged the names of people who were not at the meeting were written in the attendance register‚ which is when he took it and walked out of the venue.

He alleged that three youth league members chased after him and assaulted him using a knobkierie‚ stones and fists.

 “All this time one of the branch members was pleading with them to stop assaulting me. They did not stop‚” Halam told the Daily Dispatch on Tuesday.

Branch executive member Ayanda Nolusi was said to have come to Halam’s rescue.

Speaking to the Dispatch on Tuesday‚ Nolusi also claimed the attendance register was tampered with‚ and minors allegedly made to fill in forms.

Nolusi also alleged minors were being signed up.

PEC deployee Loyiso Yalezo‚ who was meant to oversee the BAGM‚ condemned the violence.

“As the ANC Youth League‚ we do not tolerate any form of violence. Anyone who shows signs of violence needs to be taken through the disciplinary processes of the ANC.

“Ours is not to fight but to nurture and groom disciplined future leaders.”

Yalezo said the leadership would wait for a full report about what took place at the branch.

“When I arrived at the branch things were normal but I was told that there had been a scuffle before my arrival.

“As the regional and provincial leadership‚ we are going to wait for a full report from the branch executive about what transpired there.

“Once we have that report we will be able to take action against whoever is found to be in the wrong‚” said Yalezo.

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