Get a grip on power supply‚ SA warned

South Africa should not “underestimate the importance of the power constraints to growth in SA”‚ the newspaper reported on Tuesday.

This follows the release of the World Bank’s bi-annual Africa’s Pulse report‚ which forecast economic growth at about 2% for this year‚ which it said took into account load shedding.

The bank’s prognosis echoes that of the International Monetary Fund‚ whose first deputy MD‚ David Lipton‚ last month said that addressing electricity shortages was of paramount importance.

On Monday‚ the World Bank’s Africa region chief economist‚ Francisco Ferreira‚ said: “The situation is very severe. We should not sugar-coat it.

“…there is (a) need for persistent investment and better management of Eskom’s assets and it will be a pity if that constraint were to hamper what are otherwise good prospects in SA.”




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