Pretoria police seize fake airtime vouchers

Police on Wednesday found and seized more than 400 blank R5 MTN airtime vouchers‚ with a street value of about R2‚000‚ in Marabastad‚ Pretoria.

“Four hundred blank airtime vouchers were discovered by Pretoria central police after receiving a tip-off from a witness.

“A suspect was in the process of selling airtime to one of the victims‚ he immediately noticed the police and fled.

“Fortunately the suspect could not manage to pack all his possessions and left behind some of the fake airtime vouchers‚” a South African Police Service statement said.

“We request members of the public to be cautious when buying recharge vouchers from the street vendors. These suspects target areas where they know that bus or taxi commuters are in a hurry to go to their destination.

“The moment the victim opens the recharge voucher is when he or she becomes aware that the airtime is fake‚ the paper blank and that there is no recharge pin number.”




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