Forgot your password? Just take a selfie for your payment

A lot of people have found themselves in awkward predicaments at the pay point for having forgotten their password.

Well that struggle will soon be over as MyBroadband reports that Mastercard is introducing a smartphone application that will use your selfie as a playment verification.

"The MasterCard app allows you to use your fingerprint or picture of your face to authorise a transaction, with the latter requiring you to blink into your phone’s camera to make sure a criminal is not using a photo of you to trick the system," reported the site.

Business Insider reported that the worldwide fast food restaurant McDonald's is already accepting selfies for payments.

According to SkyNews, the testing phase will only be limited to 500 people who will be asked to take selfies for payment.

"The scans stay on the phone and are converted into 1s and 0s and transmitted as digital data over the web.

"They are then matched against an image held on file of the card holder," reported the site.

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