Soccer fans scathing as Blatter resigns Fifa presidency

FIFA president Sepp Blatter
FIFA president Sepp Blatter

The resignation of world soccer supremo Sepp Blatter as Fifa president on Tuesday evening is generating an instantaneous outpouring of reactions from sport fans on social media.

Blatter also announced at a televised press conference that he would call an extraordinary conference to elect a new president of Fifa‚ the governing body of world football.

Blatter’s decision to quit less than a week after his re-election follows an investigation by US authorities that led to the arrest of several of the organisation’s executives on corruption charges.

Amongst the public reactions was South African David Dadic?@DavidDadic who posted a photo of Blatter as the Joker. Here is a sample of some of the other views:

- Richie McCormåck?@RichieMcCormack

That was the resignation speech of a guy knowing a new river of slurry is tipping his way. Interesting to see what comes next. #Blatter

 - Ryan Babel?@Ryanbabel

Did someone visit #Blatter in private or something ? 0–o

- Derek Bish?@DerekBish–star

Anyone else get the impression he didn’t want to resign? Acting like there is a gun in his back... #Blatter #BlatterOut

- Jack Moore?@JFXM

Thank you America. You saved us from the Nazis‚ you have now saved us from #Blatter.

- Charlotte Henry?@charlotteahenry

See kids‚ a free press does good things‚ doesn’t it? #Blatter

 - Jonathan Freedland?@Freedland

We talk a lot about declining US power‚ but it took the long arm of US law to push #Blatter out

 - Sam Matterface?@sammatterface

Well well ... I wonder how this has happened- #Sepp #Blatter leaves four days after re-election .


Honourable thing would have been not to have stood last week.

 - Ranjeni Munusamy?@RanjeniM

Take note leaders of the world who think they’re untouchable: If #Blatter can fall‚ so can you.

South Africa‚ host of the 2010 soccer World Cup‚ has also been drawn into the drama in world football‚ with the discovery that the SA government approved the transfer of US$10-million for what Fifa said was to “support the African diaspora in Caribbean countries as part of the World Cup legacy”.

A US indictment claims that the payment was a bribe to then head of regional football body Concacaf‚ Jack Warner‚ in exchange for votes in favour of SA winning the right to host the 2010 tournament.


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