Minnie making right moves

score: Minnie Dlamini is soon to play a bigger role in 'Soccerzone' PHOTO: SUPPLIED
score: Minnie Dlamini is soon to play a bigger role in 'Soccerzone' PHOTO: SUPPLIED

MINNIE Dlamini has graduated from being a soccer babe to an expert in the field, if the new appointments at SABC Sport are anything to go by.

The TV presenter will soon have a new expanded analysis role in Soccerzone on SABC1.

The re-launch will see her "setting context for every match, result, storyline and character . provide the facts and figures, tie in things people say and set up narrative points", according to a statement from the programme.

Dlamini commented: "My two-year journey in sport, specifically football, has been a carefully planned execution. I knew this transition would come.

"The first was to make sure that I eased not just myself into the world of sport, but the viewer . "

New changes at Soccerzone include a new logo, opening sequence, graphics and theme song. Legendary radio commentators such as Cebo Manyaapelo, Thabo Kofa and Sidney Mashige will also narrate over match highlights. Thomas Mlambo is still the host.

Meanwhile, Dlamini has also been linked with The Talk, the new talkshow replacing 3Talk with Noeleen on SABC3. She will be part of a panel of presenters, but she would not comment on the matter.

Her spokeswoman Pumza Nohashe said: "Minnie is . busy with a number of projects. Her global aspirations are also soon to take shape and her growth in the world of sport has been her main focus."

Dlamini hosts MetroFM Music Awards on February 28 with DJ T-bo Touch in Durban.


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