Man dies in Soweto building collapse

A man was killed in a building which partially collapsed in Power Park, Soweto, on Wednesday, Johannesburg emergency management services said.

"The man's body is still under rubble," spokeswoman Nana Radebe said just before midnight.

She said another person was trapped and pinned to the ground by a beam over his hand. He was conscious and communicating with rescue workers.

The urban search and rescue team had stabilised the structure of the building.

"They are now removing the metals, beams and concrete to be able to assist him."

She said the rescue team would continue the work until the man was removed.

Earlier, Radebe said paramedics received a call from an injured man who claimed to have been part of a group who were allegedly trying to steal cables and metal from the building.

Four people were rescued earlier from the rubble..

"We are not ruling out the possibility that there are more people underneath there," she said at the time.

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