Cash promised for school desks

File photo: BAD STATE: Pupils at Matjeni Primary School in Tonga, Mpumalanga, have no desks to sit on and use their laps to support their books in 2010. Photo: Sibongile Mashaba
File photo: BAD STATE: Pupils at Matjeni Primary School in Tonga, Mpumalanga, have no desks to sit on and use their laps to support their books in 2010. Photo: Sibongile Mashaba

A total of R7 million will be spent on new chairs and desks for Mpumalanga schools facing severe shortages, the province says

Education MEC Reginah Mhaule said the various districts would need to provide the department with reports on their shortages before the end of February. 

“Principals [should] provide the department [with] authentic and reliable statistics of shortages to ensure that the school resources are properly secured at all times,” said Mhaule.

“We needed to do this as a commitment to create conducive teaching and [a] learning school environment.” 

The education department said it would set aside R30 million for the 2013/2014 financial year to buy more furniture.  

It also encouraged schools and officials to participate in the Rhandza Xikolo Xa Wena campaign (love your school), to help put an end to the theft and vandalising of school material.  

“Other options that are being considered include collaboration with institutions, such as the department of correctional services, Mpumalanga Regional Training Trust, and FET colleges, for sustainable and cost effective measures that can be put in place to address furniture shortages in schools,” said Mhaule.

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