Shebeens 'contribute to rape'

TANKING UP: Patrons enjoy beer at a shebeen. Photo: MARIANNE SCHWANKHART
TANKING UP: Patrons enjoy beer at a shebeen. Photo: MARIANNE SCHWANKHART

CLOSING down illegal shebeens in townships will reduce the scourge of rape .

This is the view of Gauteng Provincial Community Police Board chairman Andy Mashaile.

Mashaile says community policing forums (CPFs) should be spearheading the identification and closing of illegal shebeens "and this will for example help with the high rape levels".

He says effective community policing had seen good successes but had also presented a fair share of challenges and in some cases serious problems.

Mashaile says his cosy working relationship with Gauteng police commissioner Mzandile Petros had been the cornerstone of the success the province has seen.

He says it was only when police have the buy-in of the communities they served that the fight against crime could be won.

The police's track record over the past two years speak for itself, he said.

"For the first time in 15 years of the national performance chart, Gauteng has scored tops out of the nine provinces," says Mashaile, adding that Gauteng had previously always been ninth.

"According to the SAPS Act 68 of 1995, Chapter 7 and read with the regulations of 2001, the provincial commissioner must establish CPFs which act as oversight bodies. The police station accounts to the CPF. They must do joint problem identification and solutions and engage sector crime forums, which will report to the CPF."

He says policing precincts are divided into sectors.

"Sectors must profile their areas and know where churches, schools and shebeens are. This way they can make meaningful inputs on liquor licensing and all other safety related issues," said Mashaile.

To this effect, CPF chairmen should be part of station crime combating forums that sit every Monday.

Mashaile says foreigners cannot be part of the executive structures of official bodies but cannot be excluded because they are part of communities.

"The Hillbrow cluster is working well with the Africa Diaspora Forum. As a result we have seen serious crime has reduced in Hillbrow and surroundings," he said.

But other areas such as Alexandra, Diepsloot and Tembisa with high foreign national populations do not have similar structures which are as organised.

l The community patroller programme is meant to be a force multiplier for the CPF.

He said patrollers should always work under the supervision of a police

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