KwaZulu-Natal tops maths test

Its mathematicians make the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) the top institution in the field of mathematics research in South Africa.

According to internationally respected business data provider Thomson Reuters, mathematics research at UKZN is number one in the country followed by the University of Cape Town, Wits University, the University of Pretoria and Stellenbosch University.

Instead of merely counting the total number of publications produced, the study assessed the impact of the publications under review.

Dean and head of the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at UKZN, Professor Kesh Govinder, said the impact referred to the quality of the research.

“We have always ensured that we employ the best scientists. We have very high standards for appointment to UKZN and maintain these standards for promotion. In addition, these top scientists, via their reputation, attract top students. These together contribute to the production of high quality research,” he said.

Govinder said the university could be proud of the fact that the study did not just measure the relative impact over a short period but instead assessed research over a decade.

He said while it was impossible to define South Africa’s top mathematician, UKZN scientists were amongst the best in the country.

Mathematics, perhaps the most disliked subject by high school pupils, has been a concern in the country with Education Minister Angie Motshekga recently saying that the department remained “concerned about the number of passes in maths”.

Govinder said mathematics needed to be taught properly to school pupils.

“If taught properly, not merely learning tricks of solving problems then students will appreciate mathematics for what it is, a necessary life skill for everyone,” he said.

From next month, the university will be offering two part-time courses aimed at mathematics teachers.

“These courses will ensure that students are fully conversant with matric level mathematics as well as first year university mathematics. In addition, there is an active programme in statistics education run on weekends to upskill mathematics teachers,” Govinder said.

He added that the university also had several outreach projects to support mathematics development in high schools, particularly in rural areas.

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