ANCYL official now fears for his life

HIDING: Jacob Lebogo
HIDING: Jacob Lebogo

LIMPOPO ANC Youth League secretary Jacob Lebogo has vacated his Florah Park, Polokwane, house after an attempt to assassinate him on Wednesday.

Sowetan has learnt that Lebogo is now lodging at an undisclosed place in Polokwane under heavy security.

The move comes just a day after two law-enforcement officers - a member of the South African National Defence Force stationed in Centurion and a member of the South African Police Service based at OR Tambo International Airport - were arrested with an assortment of weapons.

The two were arrested in the parking lot of the department of roads and transport a day after they were refused entry to Lebogo's house.

Police said the men were suspected of having been hired as hit-men and had spent the week tailing Lebogo and ANC Peter Mokaba regional chairman Lawrence Mapoulo.

The alleged assassination attempt sparked fear in Lebogo, who is also Julius Malema's lieutenant.

When contacted, Lebogo said he was unable to speak because he was in a meeting with police.

But a senior youth league member in the province confirmed that Lebogo has for now moved to an undisclosed place following an attempt to kill him.

"We understand this was a politically motivated attack designed to neutralise comrade Malema and silence those who agree with him on leadership change in Mangaung," said the member.

He said they remained resolute in their call for a political leadership change in the ANC and that would be achieved in Mangaung in December.

Lebogo, who was instrumental in the re-election of Malema's ally Premier Cassel Mathale as party provincial chairman in Turfloop last month, has been in the news in recent weeks.

He was accused of packaging stones that were bussed from Limpopo to Luthuli House in Johannesburg during Malema's disciplinary hearing last year.

A few days later, there were allegations that he was detained after R2-million in cash was found in his car.

But these allegations have not been proven.

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