Celeste Ntuli like you've never seen her before

Celeste Ntuli
Celeste Ntuli

SowetanLIVE spent a delightful afternoon with comedienne Celeste Ntuli. The sassy actress squeezed us into her busy schedule.  We met the quaint Arbour Café and Courtyard in Birdhaven, Johannesburg.  

She was tasked with preparing some Nutella crepes while answering questions about herself.

On the day Ntuli was heading to a radio interview where she’d be promoting her one woman show and her new film Looking For Love.

Ntuli plays the role of Buyi a woman knocking on the door of 40, who’s looking for some romance. On her love journey audiences meet her various disastrous romantic partners, A serial blessee best friend played by Phindile Gwala of Muvhango fame and an overbearing mother, portrayed by Lilian Dube, who wants those grand babies as soon as yesterday.

Never one to back down from a challenge Celeste proudly informed us that the task we'd set for her was perfect as she was ‘a really good cook.’  

The bubbly Kwa-Zulu Natal native did indeed produce some yummy looking crepes. Take a look at the video below and get to know Celeste Ntuli. 



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