I want a baby, he wants to wait

I AM 20 years old and my boyfriend is 24. We have been together for a year and we love each other very much. I would like to have a baby as soon as possible, but he insists he is not ready yet.

He is studying at university and it will be three more years before he completes his degree.

I don't want to wait that long. We have started fighting a lot about this and he says I am being unreasonable.

I know that he is the man I will spend the rest of my life with, so I don't see what difference it makes if we have a child now. What do you think? Desperate to breed, Tshwane

Dudu says:

I also think you are being unreasonable.

I can understand your wish to have a baby, but the time is not right.

You have only known each other for a year and you need to spend a lot more time getting to know each other.

Your relationship will only work if the two of you share the same goals, especially with such a serious life decision.

It makes good sense for him to complete his studies first and to find a job so that he is able to support a child in the future.

How will he take care of a baby while he is still studying?

Who will pay for everything the child needs? If you continue to nag him about this, I am sure you will just drive him away.

A baby changes your life completely and perhaps you should consider taking a few years to build your career and enjoy your life with your boyfriend before you are tied down by children.

Speak honestly and openly with each other and build your future together.

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