Brooklyn Beckham shares exam success

Brooklyn Beckham (Instagram)
Brooklyn Beckham (Instagram)

Brooklyn Beckham - the teenage son of David and Victoria Beckham - has revealed he's passed all of his GCSE exams.

The 16-year-old son of David and Victoria Beckham has taken to Instagram to publish a photograph of himself with a congratulatory cake and to reveal his exam success. He captioned the black and white image: ''Guess what??? I passed all my GCSE exams (sic)''

Despite his good exam results and a successful foray into the field of modelling, Brooklyn is reportedly keen to establish himself as a movie star. An insider previously said: ''He has recently signed to a modelling agency.

It appears he has a lot of potential for a career in the industry. ''He is incredibly photogenic and has the handsome looks to be considered for some high-profile, big-money work. Now he has been encouraged to look into a Hollywood career which he is very excited about. He is yet to sign with an agent though.''

Brooklyn's desire to make the transition into Hollywood may, in part, be influenced by his father's appearance in Guy Ritchie's 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E'. The retired soccer star, who's previously resisted the temptation to appear in a movie, was said to be thankful to the acclaimed director for offering him a role.

A source revealed: ''He was very grateful to Guy for getting him a small role and it was a great experience. Becks gets the plot going and sets the scene for the rest of the movie.

''He only needed a day on set to film it so it didn't take too much time out of his schedule. Guy thinks it's great Becks is involved. It would make great viewing seeing him pop up as random characters in future.''

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