Kelly Khumalo thanks fans for support

Kelly Khumalo, the girlfriend of soccer player Senzo Meyiwa, who was shot dead, arrives at her home in the township of Vosloorus. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko
Kelly Khumalo, the girlfriend of soccer player Senzo Meyiwa, who was shot dead, arrives at her home in the township of Vosloorus. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

Singer and actress Kelly Khumalo is grateful for the love and support she received from her fans during her trying times.

Khumalo feels stronger and better after the sad loss of her boyfriend and father to her 7 month old baby Thingo.

The singer has come out of her secret place of mourning and has made a few public appearances promoting her new single ‘Asine’.

She thanked fans on her social media Instagram page.

She posted a thank you picture with a caption where she further let out her emotions thanking those that have showed her love.

“Growing up as little girl I never thought I'd be loved by so many, so deeply, yet it still amazes and humbles me. I can't help but feel highly blessed, with all my scars, fears and imperfection I stand tall, proud and undefeated not because I'm invincible but because ALL of YOU are behind me beside me, everywhere I go I'm surrounded by love and support, those positive msgs. 

All of you fighting tooth and nail to protect me, my vicious brothers and sisters, omama nobaba who randomly stop at the side of the road just to give me a huge hug, I can see all of you waiting at the finishing line shouting come on Kelly you CAN DO IT! Yes I CAN cause all of YOU believe I can. Love and light. Thank you Kelly Khumalo.”

Her soccer star lover Senzo Meyiwa was shot dead three weeks ago at her home in Vosloorus.

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