Who's the fairest?

SUN City will be the hottest place in the country on Sunday when 12 of South Africa's sexiest, smartest and prettiest women vie to be crowned the most beautiful in the land.

From sizzling swimwear to elegant ball gowns, South Africans will have a chance to see the country's finest young women.

Gauteng evidently has the hottest women in the country, with eight of this year's 12 hopefuls based in the province.

The rest of the contestants come from Cape Town and Durban.

Dhesha Jeram, Danicka Riehl, Dorah Mtetwa, Careen Truter, Sandhya Naidoo, Chanel Grantham, Anja van Zyl, Malesotse Makgalemele,Natasha Kashimoto,Bianca Coutinho, Kiasha Naidoo and Bokang Montjane all hope that the judges will make their dreams come true on December 12.

Over the last two weeks, the young women have told Sowetan that if they won they would dedicate their crowns to education, environmental issues and other social matters like teenage pregnancy and poverty.

It is now up to the judges to see who is not only physically attractive but also has the brains and vision to make all South Africans proud.

For the first time in the pageant's more than 50-years history it will this year be broadcast on DStv's Mzansi Magic and not the SABC.

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