Ithuba given green light as national lottery operator

Ithuba has successfully renegotiated its licence agreement following a court judgement which set aside the licence after certain terms relating to the guarantee and performance bond were found to be invalid.

“After careful consideration, Minister Rob Davies is satisfied with Ithuba’s selection as the preferred applicant,” a statement issued by the company said.

CEO of Ithuba, Mrs Charmaine Mabuza said that the outcome of the negotiation period reconfirms that the bidding process had been a fair and transparent one. “As Ithuba we believe that this is once again testament to the fact that our bid was exemplary, and has passed the scrutiny of even the highest courts in the land.

The new licence agreement will now replace the initial licence issued in November 2014 which essentially means that Ithuba will continue to operate officially as South Africa’s Third National Lottery operator.

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