Scrollmedia is bound to do well

GOING PLACES: Paseka Matlala launched his own social media.
GOING PLACES: Paseka Matlala launched his own social media.

THE use of social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and others have certainly changed the way people connect and communicate with one another, whether for business or to find fulfilling love.

In South Africa, or anywhere else for that matter, confessing that one is not on Twitter or Facebook raises eyebrows and is almost akin to living in the dark ages while the information revolution is in your face.

Social media is increasingly becoming a tool that business - no matter how big or how small - cannot afford to be without.

One such individual who knows this only too well is Paseka Matlala of Mabopane, in Pretoria .

So he has developed a new social media platform called

Matlala, who is only 26 years old and an information communication technology junkie, has launched his own Facebook-Twitter-type social media outlet that he says will not only connect people socially, but will also connect those who want to do business together.

According to Matlala, for those technophobes who are fearful of anything resembling computer gadgets, the process is as simple as ordering pap and mogodu at your favourite chilling spot.

"All it takes is to log on and then create your page profile. At the bottom of the page you will find categories of business sectors that you can choose from and create your business profile if you have one, or want to start, or want to join a business profile if you don't have one yet," Matlala said.

"That's it. You can then start to communicate with other businesses and people whom you would like to see on your online business and search and visit other businesses that are already registered."

The young entrepreneur is so serious about developing his Twitter-Facebook-type of platform that he has just returned from Paris, where he attended a conference on information communication technology, to learn about the latest developments around this area of social media.

"The conference I attended last week was basically to get an update on new technology as well as exhibiting new products. I had an opportunity to exhibit Scroll media software, which was rated the top five in terms of its business viability," he said.

"The seminar enabled me to upload more data-based knowledge on software development as well as to study case investigations on the future of developments and relationships between software and peripherals."

For more information, go to

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