When you attend these manifesto rallies, don't be taken by the charismatic leader's monotonous and worthless speech, or be impressed by his designer clothes. Please listen, observe and remember.
Remember the tearful wrinkled faces of the Venda madalas and gogos who are still suffering after the great VBS bank heist. Be sober and listen while the wily politician tries to influence you when it comes to the Marikana incident.
The foul-mouthed politician will try hard to hide how his party, with the help of the party's legal mind, muddied the commission's efforts to come to the real truth of what had happened on that fateful day. All legal minds at the commission were there only for personal gain.
The bulk of the money paid by the government ended in their pockets instead of the grieving widows and orphans. Also remember how certain parties use their black members as tea girls and garden boys. Blacks in this party become only important during electioneering.
The bulk of their budget where they are in power is used to satisfy the interests of the white population. That's why Herman Mashaba ditched them.
Also be careful of the independent candidates, they are very hungry. Mmusi Maimane is also sending mixed signals and confusing the electorate. No one knows or understands what his "party" stands for. Or has the pastor become the self-proclaimed leader of the independent candidates?
Though Mashaba started well, he messed up things when he joined Julius Malema in his personal vendetta against Cyril Ramaphosa. Lastly, before you make your cross, please remember this: there is no good, better or righteous politician in the world, they are all habitual liars.
Bushy Green, Kagiso
Don't be fooled by politicians this elections season
When you attend these manifesto rallies, don't be taken by the charismatic leader's monotonous and worthless speech, or be impressed by his designer clothes. Please listen, observe and remember.
Remember the tearful wrinkled faces of the Venda madalas and gogos who are still suffering after the great VBS bank heist. Be sober and listen while the wily politician tries to influence you when it comes to the Marikana incident.
The foul-mouthed politician will try hard to hide how his party, with the help of the party's legal mind, muddied the commission's efforts to come to the real truth of what had happened on that fateful day. All legal minds at the commission were there only for personal gain.
The bulk of the money paid by the government ended in their pockets instead of the grieving widows and orphans. Also remember how certain parties use their black members as tea girls and garden boys. Blacks in this party become only important during electioneering.
The bulk of their budget where they are in power is used to satisfy the interests of the white population. That's why Herman Mashaba ditched them.
Also be careful of the independent candidates, they are very hungry. Mmusi Maimane is also sending mixed signals and confusing the electorate. No one knows or understands what his "party" stands for. Or has the pastor become the self-proclaimed leader of the independent candidates?
Though Mashaba started well, he messed up things when he joined Julius Malema in his personal vendetta against Cyril Ramaphosa. Lastly, before you make your cross, please remember this: there is no good, better or righteous politician in the world, they are all habitual liars.
Bushy Green, Kagiso