Modernity suits the coronavirus

09 March 2020 - 10:52
By reader letter
South Africa has three confrmed coronavirus  cases.
Image: 123RF/lightwise South Africa has three confrmed coronavirus cases.

Owing to speedy transportation systems and advanced communication technology now the universe has become like a tiny village.

Thus, one particular regional crisis does not remain in the area of its origin but spreads out very fast to become a matter of global concern, seriously affecting mankind anywhere in the world. Like in the case of coronavirus (COVID-19) which originated in the Chinese province of Hubei, is now threatening human life the world over.

It is more than two months since the outbreak was confirmed, but COVID-19 has spread to nearly all continents, causing havoc to social life and economies. Spiritual life too is affected after Saudi Arabia suspended the Umrah pilgrimage, causing distress to many adherents who had made long-term travel plans.

South Africa
Third coronavirus case in SA confirmed
4 years ago

World tourism industries have come under unimaginable pressure as many countries reject visa applications while many other regular travellers have chosen to stay put at home.

Although most countries in the word have announced preparedness to tackle the virus if it reached their shores and protect their citizens, reality has proven otherwise.

Even worse, the fear for the virus is mounting more than reality of the coronavirus itself. There's no cure, so prayer and precautions are best means to stay away from the disease.

Hanif A. Patel
Eklera-Bhanondra Gujarat Province of India