LYBORN RIKHOTSO | Mr Cele, worst criminals are bigwigs not jobless poor

Stop blaming the poor

23 February 2023 - 10:16
By Lyborn Rikhotso
Minister of police Bheki Cele.
Image: Freddy Mavunda Minister of police Bheki Cele.

I do not agree with minister Bheki Cele when he says corruption is caused by lack of jobs. Corruption is not committed by unemployed people in our townships or rural areas. It is committed by politicians, public servants and businesspeople as they have access to lucrative state tenders in the public and private sectors.

Politicians who dish out tenders to their associates, home affairs officials who sell passports and identity documents, prosecutors who accept money to throw away dockets, magistrates and judges who accept bribes from criminals to drop charges. All these people involved in corruption receive handsome salaries from government every month. There are no poor unemployed people named in the Zondo state capture report. All people named in the Zondo state capture report with allegations of corruption are ANC deployees and their associates.

Yes, I agree with Cele that lack of jobs contributes to crimes like house-breaking and pick pocketing. If corruption was committed by poor people, the police would have rounded them up, quickly tried and jailed them if found guilty. Politicians, public servants and businesspeople are the ones involved in corruption and are able to source the best legal minds to defend them in the court of law in case they are arrested.

Even in ancient times, prominent people were the ones involved in corruption. For example, when the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan to conceal the truth about Jesus’s resurrection, they gave the Roman soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, “You are to say, His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.

“f this report gets to the governor (Pilate), we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble. So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.” Matthew 28:12-15).

The same modus operandi is still applicable in the 21st century throughout the globe. Construction mafiosos are ANC deployees and their associates and not hungry poor people, hence law enforcement agencies do not want to intervene as they will step on the toes of ANC big shots.

Cele knows this as well as his comrades in the party. I read a chilling story in the Sunday Times of 19 February, where young people are recruited in rural areas of KZN and trained as izinkabi (hitmen), It is alleged that these youngsters do not have identity documents.

They are “stateless” and they cannot be traced after they have eliminated their targets. It is also alleged that some hitmen use security companies, which they use as fronts. This is very scary and our intelligence is failing to crack these evil and wicked criminals because they are busy meddling in the politics of the ANC.

In my view, gender-based violence against women and children has got nothing to do with unemployment. People are just evil and wicked. Masterminds and assassins have no souls and hearts.

Our justice system also perpetuates violence and corruption because of our constitution favours murderers and rapists over victims.

Our politicians and their immediate families are not affected by crime as they are protected. They render intellectual compassion and shallow condolences and shed crocodile tears to the bereaved families and promise them that murderers will be hunted down and brought to book.

I suspect some senior police officers and politicians are involved in the killing of some high profile individuals. Cele knows very well that poor unemployed people do not commit corruption. Politicians, public servants and businesspeople are the ones involved in corruption.

Some politicians and senior police officers could also be involved in the heists that are happening in the country. They work with the underworld gangsters. Lawlessness, to a certain extent, is caused by ANC and EFF politicians who encourage people to invade municipal land and illegal connection of electricity. Minister Cele, unemployed people are not involved in corruption because they do not have access to state tenders.

Rikhotso is a Sowetan reader